Thursday, October 25, 2012


Why is it so hard to get out of bed in the morning? Niezche used this fact to counter John Stuart Mill's and other Utilitarian philosophers in their idea that life is about seeking pain. Nietzche felt life was more about pain, and the fact that we stay in bed so often is our way of avoiding it. The doll drum of daily toil and work becomes monotonous and painful, yet we bear with it. So often we wish that we could stay in our dream lands just like Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception.

Fear of facing those horrible unfinished tasks from the day before. When I laid my head down I was so eager to get back to them, and now I feel as though they are a weight and burden I would rather avoid. Often I feel that I am extrovert seeking other people at night. And then that I am an introvert in the morning, wishing to avoid all others. Like a child I often prolong going back to bed knowing full well that when I wake up I will not have the enthusiasm for a project that I had before.

I also feel like a different person in the morning. My emotions are different completely sometimes. I can go to bed feeling like "I'm single! I answer to no one." Then I will wake up and be like "Mwah, I'm single. I have no one to answer to, or think of me." It's a rather stunning and bizarre phenomena. Don't get me wrong, I love sleeping, but c'mon body and mind. 

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